Pre K - 2 Writing Workshop
Kimberly motivates children to brainstorm ideas and organize them into fluent sentences and paragraphs. Using her clever teaching style, she can help children use stronger adjectives, vivid verbs and better transitions in their writing. She also has techniques that will motivate reluctant readers to improve their reading skills. Her storytelling ability and experience as an author will incorporate character traits into the presentation. She provides students with the opportunity to actively participate in the writing and reading process. Her interactive method will make children "want" to write better stories. Kimberly's methods are grade appropriate, challenging - yet fun. If you want stronger readers and writers, you want Kimberly P. Johnson to inspire your students.
Using her unique storytelling skills, Kim Johnson will capture the minds and hearts of your class, all the while teaching them about character traits, a theme that runs strongly through all her work. Through her interactive methods, students will be able to mentally and physically participate, creating an ideal environment for learning. Kim also ensures that her material is appropriate for the age she is working with.

Some areas that will be covered in the Pre K - 2 Workshop are:
Becoming a better speller
Rhyming activities
Listening activities to include storytelling and interpretation
Sequencing a story - First, Next, Last
Reading and Word games to develop cognitive thinking skills
Basic rules of writing such as capitalization and punctuation
Brainstorming and creative description in writing
Here are some examples of how Kim will work with your class during the storytelling/reading session:
She will move the children through listening activities into creative thinking activities. This is accomplished by Kim reading her stories aloud, discussing them and then doing a thinking map activity of the story that is set to the children's skill level. This will encourage reading comprehension and interest in books.
She will read poems and follow up by asking questions such as: Who was in the poem? What did they do? Where did the poem take place?
She will capture their imaginations and develop language skills by teaching them to create and recognize rhyming words.
She will discuss the importance of "sparkly" words in stories. The class will describe objects using detail, discuss ways to begin brainstorming ideas and how to "write" or "tell" about them in a more distinctive way.
Kim Johnson will motivate the children through song and moving activities, this is a fun and educational experience for children of every age.